Importance of Self-Love
Self-love. Now, just let think that resonate in your field for a moment. Self-love is so important and one thing that we forget to do is love ourselves. We work, we take care of our families, our spouses, our kids. You might even be taking care of our parents. As caregivers, mothers, fathers, lovers, aunts and uncles we are always taking care of someone else. If you think about this for a moment, what to do you take care of yourself? Do you nurture your energy and well-being? Do you enjoy the hot bubble bath, a relaxing mani/pedi or even just a 5-minute meditation to start your day? Self-love can be so simple, but so very important. Just by taking a few minutes of even a whole weekend, for ourselves, we are able to reset and recharge. If we have a clear and relaxed mind, it gives a reset on the stress we deal with every day. It may even be something as simple as enjoying your morning coffee before you go to work. When we practice self-love, we are nurturing our physical, spiritual and emotional bodies. We can practice self-love by eating healthy, going to the gym, or just being mindful. When we love ourselves, we have less unwanted clutter in our energy fields. This allows us to listen to our bodies more clearly. We are able to hear more clearly to what our bodies are telling us; we can react and rectify what needs to be taken care of. When we love ourselves, it means that we are comfortable in our bodies. That does not mean that you have to look like a runway model, because that is not realistic for the majority of us. It just means that we are happy with ourselves. This alone makes it harder for others to make us feel bad about our self-image. When we are happy in our own skin, we tend to project that happiness into other areas of our lives. We can even practice self-love by something as simple as just being kind to others. Go sit with the girl at work that tends to eat lunch by herself. Each act of kindness is a reflection on our own self-love. I always tell my kids that they don’t have to like everyone at school, but they do have to be kind to everyone. It only takes one person to be kind for the rest to follow. Think before you speak. Words are powerful and if we say things to others that are hurtful, we are also hurting ourselves. Are the words you are going to speak going to help you and improve your life? A lot of times after hurtful words are spoken, we wish we could take them back. That in itself brings in negative energy and causes pain. When we love ourselves, we open up our energy to love others. Then others will also see we are beautiful people and the door will be opened for them to love us, too. Just imagine what the world would be if we all loved ourselves.